St Elisabeth's School Pupil


Reception Admissions

From 1st September 2023, St Elisabeth's CE Primary School became a one form entry primary school for children aged 4-11. For 1st September 2024, our Published Admission Number (PAN) for Reception is 30 pupils. 

All applications for Reception places are to be submitted via the Local Authority, Stockport Borough Council. Full information about the application process can be found below.

Stockport admissions telephone number is 0161 217 6022.

Nursery Admissions

St Elisabeth's CE  is very fortunate to have a Nursery unit, as part of our Early Years education on site.  

Our Pre- School Nursery offers 15 hours per week placements.

Admission to the Nursery is arranged the school term after the child’s third birthday. For Nursery applications, please contact the admissions team who will be able to support your application.

Application Procedures

In order to apply for a place at St Elisabeth's CE Primary you need to apply through Stockport Local Authority’s coordinated admissions process found here. Please contact them directly if you have not received details of this process.

As an academy, we have control of our own admissions but have chosen to remain with Stockport Local Authority. Our policy, as determined by Stockport is available to download.

Priority will be given to children living nearest to the school.

If you cannot find the information that you're looking for on the website then you can contact the School Admissions team by email at or by telephone on 0161 217 6022.

Appeals Process

If you're unhappy with the school your child was offered and would like to appeal, you can do so using this online form. If you wish to appeal for more than one school please fill in a separate form for each school.

If you cannot complete the online form:

You can download the "How to Appeal for a Place at Your Preferred School" guidance, or access it via the Stockport Council website here.

Then complete the Admission Appeal Form, also available for download or on the Council site here.

Then fill out the form and email it to

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