Early Years
Beginning in Early Years, children begin to acknowledge that as they grow they are able to do more for themselves. They show an understanding of themselves and the world around them. The children become increasingly aware of the changes in routine during different times of the day and seasons in the year and that these changes impact what they can do.
Key Stage 1
Within Key Stage 1, our History curriculum helps our pupils to understand the lives of significant people from the past, as well as events beyond living memory and the process of change and similarities and differences.
Key Stage 2
We believe that in Key Stage 2 all children will know and understand history as a chronological narrative; from the earliest times to the present day. Children will continue to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies, relationships between different groups and the cause and effect.
Pupils will become aware of how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. The History curriculum is designed to develop their historical enquiry, knowledge, understanding and communication. This is progressive from Early Years to Year 6, ensuring children gain an increasingly mature and informed historical perspective on their world.