As a Church of England school, Religious Education has a unique role; it is a high priority within our curriculum. We promote an environment where all children feel known, accepted and valued as individuals, where our Christian faith affects not only what we teach, but also how we teach.
The core purpose of RE is to engage pupils in exploring and responding to challenging questions raised by religion and worldviews. Children can then develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to appreciate different responses, varied questions and challenge their own thinking. As well as providing our pupils with the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other different religions (Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism), it also fosters a deep understanding and respect of others. As a Rights Respecting school, children discover how people of faith and no faith express their beliefs, showing respect towards others regardless of a difference in faith or belief. This links directly with one of the British Values: mutual respect and tolerance of those with different world views and beliefs, and for those without faith.
To be prepared for high school, our pupils must be able to understand themselves within the context of a diverse society so that they are equipped to be active citizens with the confidence to participate with peers whose background will often be different to their own. Through our strong Christian values, children are able to develop an array of skills that will enable them to positively contribute to the global society. The Government emphasises the importance of understanding, tolerance and integration points, with a clear sense of shared aspirations and values. This can only come about if we have confidence to learn from those different to ourselves.