St Elisabeth's Pupil

Useful Links for Parents

We have collated a range of useful links, guidance and information for our parents on this page. Please view the categories below to access the relevant links and downloads.

Parent Mail and Parent Pay

To communicate with parents/carers, the school uses an online system called Parent Mail. We send texts and emails with attached letters using this system. If we require a slip/communication to be returned to school, then a paper copy will also be sent.

Since January 2020, the school office has been cashless. We ask that you use the schools online Parent Pay system to pay for school meals and other school activities. The online system offers 24 hour access, 7 days a week and we hope that you will find it more convenient to pay for school services and activities in this way. 

If you have any concerns or questions about the systems above or need help in accessing Parent Mail, please contact the school office on 0161 432 5785.

Safeguarding Information & Links

We have collated a range of useful link and information about safeguarding for our parents. Links, downloads cand contact deails can be found on this page.

We have also produced a leaflet for parents and children to explain what Safeguarding Children means.  This leaflet is distributed to all our families and you can request a copy from our school office as well.

If you are worried about a child who may be suffering from harm you can make a referral to Children Services. You can contact them by telephone 0161 234 5001  or by email

f you are worried a child is being sexually abused telephone the police straight away on 999.

If a child is suffering from anxiety/depression/self-harm or having suicidal thoughts you can telephone the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) on 0808 800 5000 or Cahms (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) on 0161 203 3250.

Online Safety

E-safety is an integral part of children’s education in today’s digital world and is embedded in their learning at school. We also want to help our parents and children improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the Internet and all digital media in a safe and secure way.

E-safety in school

All children are reminded of our school expectations asked to sign an Internet agreement at the beginning of each academic year which is displayed clearly in the classroom.

At school, children are taught about e-safety both discretely through the Computing curriculum and through regular reminders and conversations when using technology at school. E-safety is part of our safeguarding responsibility and we take this responsibility seriously. In particular, children are shown how to:

  • use technology safely, respectfully and responsibility
  • recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour online, such as cyberbullying
  • keep passwords and personal information safe
  • report when they feel unsafe
  • understand their online presence and how to be in control of their own privacy

We understand that it can be overwhelming to keep up-to-date with new technologies so we highly recommend using the resources shared here to keep your children safe online.

E-safety at home

As parents and carers, please regularly talk to your children about how they use the Internet and keep themselves safe online. We hope the links in this section will help you to find relevant information which will not only inform you but help you to engage your children in the importance of Internet safety.

You may also wish to set up a family Internet agreement using one of these resources.

Parental Controls 

Parental controls do help to control the online experience of your children though they should not replace parental oversight of your children whilst online. They can allow filtered access to online sites and material so inappropriate access is denied or limited.

Internet Matters has provided step-by-step guides on how to set up parental controls so that you can control what content your child can access online.

The UK Safer Internet Centre has developed guidance on how to switch on family-friendly filters to prevent age-inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home.

The NSPCC provides more information for parents or carers with concerns about their child seeking inappropriate or explicit content online.


This is bullying but using technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. A comprehensive leaflet has been published by Childnet International on the subject of cyberbullying which can be downloaded from this page (pages 6 and 7 show how technology can be used to bully with advise on contacting service providers if necessary).

If you suspect your child is being bullied, including cyberbullying, please inform us by speaking to your child's class teacher, in the first instance.

‘Sexting’ (youth-produced sexual imagery)

If you are worried about your child sending nude images or videos (sometimes referred to as ‘youth-produced sexual imagery’or sexting), NSPCC provides advice to help you understand the risks and support your child.

If your child has shared nude images, Thinkuknow by National Crime Agency-CEOP provides advice on talking to your child and where to get help.

Social Media Sites

Many children now have online contact with other children through a wide variety of games and social networking sites.. Children generally, should not have accounts until they are 13 years old, however we realise that some children may have social media accounts below this age. If your child does have any type of social media account or uses other social networking sites please talk to your child about the following:

  • Insist that you know your child's login details.
  • Insist that you and other family members are 'friends'.
  • Make sure your child 'locks down' their profile to ensure only friends can access their page, pictures etc.
  • Make sure any photos or videos are appropriate and don't reveal personal information, such as school uniform details.
  • Any members of staff will not accept any online request.

You can also download a PDF on the left, of our 'Online Safeguarding Tips' leaflet for parents of children using social media.

What to do if something goes wrong?

The CEOP website has links for reporting inappropriate online behaviour. Look out for the CEOP symbol on websites or on the CEOP's own site which take you directly to their own page for reporting abuse.

SEND Support and Independent Advice Services

Additional support and independent advice for parents, children and young people can be obtained from the Information Advice and Support Service (previously the Parent Partnership Service) and they can be contacted on a confidential helpline: 07786 101072 or by email

Other useful contacts:

IAS, Formerly Parent Partnership – 0161 209 8356 -

Relate (parenting support) - 0300 1001234 -

Barnardos -

Autistic Society Greater Manchester – 0161 866 8483

Autism Family Online -

The British Dyslexia Association – 0845 251 9002 -

Dyslexia Action -

The Dyspraxia Foundation – 01462 455016

Headway: The Brain Injury Association – 0808 800 2244

Lancasterian Sensory Support Service – 0161 445 0123

Living with ADHD –

Living with ADHD –

Manchester Autism Resource Centre – 0161 945 0040

Manchester Asian Parents Carers Project – 0161 227 8708

Manchester Mencap – 0161 728 8109

Manchester Speech and Language Therapy Service – 0161 248 1208

National Autistic Society, Greater Manchester – 0161 998 4667

National Blind Children’s Society – 0800 781 1444

National Deaf Children’s Society – 0808 800 8880

National Down’s Syndrome Society – 0333 1212 300

South Manchester Down’s Syndrome Support Group - 07593 542 107

Rodney House Pre-school Outreach Team – 0161 230 6854

SEND Local Offer Hub Drop In Sessions – 0161 998 7280

The Sensory Team at Manchester City Council – 0161 219 2658

Sleep Manchester (sleep problems) – 0161 448 8895

Statutory Assessment Service – 0161 245 7439


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